- 1Start simple. Very few people are true beginners when it comes to English. "Hello," "hi," "How are you?" and numerals have infiltrated most societies. Odds are you know more English than you think.
- Take what you know. For example, "How are you?" That uses the verb "to be." What are other questions just like this? Take what you know and expand it!
- How is she?
How is your father?
How are your children?
How is the weather?
- How is she?
- Start memorizing verbs. The top ten most common verbs in English are the following: "be," "have," "do," "say," "get," "make," "go," "know," "take," and "see."[1] Just knowing these verbs can get you through a lot of basic conversations.
- English is subject-verb-object, in that order. Your subject pronouns are: "I," "you," "he"/"she"/"it," "we," "you," "they." Object pronouns in English are: "me," "you," "him"/"her"/"it," "us," "you," "them." With those verbs and knowing English is SVO, what sentences can you come up with?
- I know her.
She makes it.
He takes us. - http://www.wikihow.com/Speak-English
- Take what you know. For example, "How are you?" That uses the verb "to be." What are other questions just like this? Take what you know and expand it!
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